Monday 7 December 2015

As Much as it Pains Me, My Boy Mourinho Needs that Sack


I hate it when people like to qualify a statement by saying..."No offence but..."

I don't play that, so all I will say is Chelsea losing to Bournemouth at home is disgraceful, because it's...Bournemouth. Their stadium can barely fit a street of people, and this is their first time in the Premiership. For them to go and even get a point away at Chelsea is crazy, but to even go ahead and win...speechless.

So it's a bit tricky to try and find an angle to come at the debacle that's happening at Chelsea. This has gone beyond being a laughing matter. As of right now, we're in Defcon 8, and this is now a critical situation and we need all those G8 cats to come together for a solution, and yes, Putin has to get involved as well.

Chelsea are two points off being in the relegation zone. That's right folks, we're in the month of December and Chelsea Football Club are barely hovering over the bottom three. Nothing has improved, nothing is getting better and it's now approaching the stage where Chelsea can lose to anybody now. After this result, all bets are off. Bring on Barnet or Tamworth, they all now have a great chance at taking three points from Stamford Bridge.

I've run out of ideas of how to solve this. For Chelsea to underperform for this period of time, I don't know what else to do to fix it. Changes have been made to the lineup, different players played in other positions, the formation has been altered but it's all ended up with the same results. So-called "world class" players aren't able to produce a piece of individual magic to win these matches that Chelsea have lost. Relying on Willian free-kicks is a very sad state of affairs. The Brazilian is a good player, but he is by no means of a level where he can carry a team on his shoulders like his compatriot Neymar can.

It pains me to say this, but the only way forward now for Chelsea is letting go of Mourinho. I think this result more than any other is evidence that it isn't working, and it won't work for the remainder of the season. There's the issue of the buyout clause, but screw it, I'm sure Abramovich has the cash and he needs to just be done with it and bring in someone who is the complete opposite to Jose. A fresh face with fresh ideas to lift the spirits of the camp.

This is where a man like Rijkaard or Michael Laudrup would be perfect. They both like their teams to play with a more attacking philosophy, which is the direct opposite of Mourinho's philosophy. Chelsea just need a totally different direction right now, and that drastic change can't be achieved with a manager who has had so much success with a certain way of playing. To now ask him to now somehow morph into Ancelotti is scientifically impossible.

I don't want to see Mourinho go. I love the guy. Seeing this happen to him, is very painful to watch. Say all you will about the man, but he is a unique personality. For those that even hate him, they appreciate his presence and self-confidence.
 I can only imagine the horror going through Mourinho's mind now. This is a nightmare that he can't wake from, and it keeps on piercing him like a thousand needles pricking his critical points repeatedly. The only way to leave this nightmare is to just move away from Chelsea, and take a few months off. Head to Nepal, become a monk for a while then come back a different club.

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