Monday 7 December 2015

The Title is there Wenger, if you want it

Looking at the results over the weekend, you can clearly see just how wide open as three canyons this Premiership title race is going to be. Everyone can lose at anytime, and there is no one consistent team who are always winning...apart from Leicester, but surely that's not going to last. Surely not.

Arsenal have always been that team that people mock these days. From the invincibles, to viewing the top four as a trophy. If you don't believe me, just do a search for Wenger saying that coming in the top four would be the equivalent to winning the FA Cup or a League Cup. Scary, very scary and that is the reason why no one outside of Arsenal have taken them seriously as title challengers. There are even those though within the Arsenal fan circles who don't even think they will ever win anything with Wenger, and so getting into the Champions League every season is what they expect. Nothing more, and nothing less.

Let's take a look at this season. Chelsea are now officially fighting relegation, Man United are allergic to scoring goals and Man City have a serious case of split personality. Then we have Leicester at the top, but you can't realistically say they will end up winning this league and sustain the kind of amazing performances that they have put out. What they have done thus far is incredible, but it's a serious case of over-achievement and you have to expect them to finally hit that rough patch that every team falls into. So you take all these things into account, throw them in a blender, mix it around and out pops a good argument that Arsenal can win the title this season....if they want to.

That is the important prerequisite of all of this. If Wenger is happy with his customary top four, then that's what they will get, because Leicester are going for that title. They most likely won't get it, but they are playing to prove doubters like me wrong. City want to show that the favorites tag they have been given is deserved and United have too much history to simply just make up the numbers in the higher positions. So Mister Wenger, it's up to you to galvanize the troops and get them playing as if they really want to win this title.

And I think he does....

The way Wenger celebrated when Ramsey got that third goal to ease the pressure Sunderland were putting on them, shows just how important the game was. He knew that City had lost, and this was their chance to take advantage. I think his celebration shows that he can smell something. Chelsea are out of the frame, United are not as strong as they used to be, so he knows the teams to look out for are the super talented squad of City and the team playing the best football, Leicester.

Arsenal can do it...whether they will, only May can tell us.

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