Sunday 27 December 2015

Can Leicester City..actually DO IT?

Finally, Leicester have lost. Witht the way Liverpool's yo-yo season has been going, I thought the table-topping crew lead by the Italian with glasses would rack up another win. But they came up short, however, being that Arsenal are not fond of capitalizing on other's mistakes, the gap may have closed but they still remain top of the table.

Can they actually go on and claim the title?

With the way this season has gone which has been very shocking, anything is possible. You can't rule out Leicester City parading the crowned trophy around in May. No team has come out and been prepared to take the bull by the horns, and in this climate of everyone being able to beat each other...

Nothing is impossible.

Mahrez is important. Every team that seeks glory need that star player in combination with a good, functioning team and a manager who knows his tactics. But it's that star player that gets you going and through tough fixes. Mahrez is the man, as he both provides and put away G's himself. Leicester City need him to be producing his peformances if they are to realistically be in contention fot acutally winning the trophy.

But I want to know what mood in the camp is. Ranieri has come out to say that there's no pressure on them, which is what managers do. For a group of players where this is new and unknown territory, you don't need that pressure. Leicester just need to keep doing what they are doing, and enjoying themselves without even thinking of themselves as favorites for the title. Once that creeps into their mind, it can affect the way they play which leads to second-guessing, then the free-flowing and confident football that they play won't be as effective as before.

As the season goes on, especially after their loss to Liverpool, this is where they will get tested. Coming up to the second half of the season, where the regulars normally hit their stride, this is where we will know whether a miracle can occur. Whatever happens, it's been a superb season so far for Leicester City and probably one that they won't repeat for a long time. It happens. When the moons and stars align for that small team fromt the village who show up the big spenders.

Their quest gets real when they face City on Tuesday, a team who are out for blood as they can see the "little" club in their sights.

How will Leicester respond?

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