Thursday 3 December 2015

Do Arsenal have a Masochist as their Medical Doctor?


I'm not even playing. Who do Arsenal have in charge of healthcare at their club? Because the way in which injuries mount of for this team is quite staggering, and is somehow always a lot more critical than their counterparts which has meant that they are always lagging behind.

I don't know whether Wenger knows this or not, but if your best players are injured for a long period, it's impossible to win the title. Listen carefully, I didn't say that it would be difficult or there would not be a great chance, I said that it would be impossible to win the league title if your best players are laid off for a long time. Relying on your fringe or squad players just won't cut it in one of the hardest leagues in the world. You need your best players fit for the bulk of the season and your squad players to play a role when the time comes.

Arsenal are not doing anything of any note without Sanchez and Oxlade. These two are vital for their chances. Giroud is very important because of his supply of goals, as well as Walcott, Koscielny and now Coquelin. But those two I first mentioned, they can be the difference between Arsenal winning or losing the title. They are game-changers and they are the superstars players of this team that can make them win those crucial games that will edge them ahead of City or United. Unless Einstein or Plato can help us out, I'm not sure what use they can be if they are spending most of the season in the clinic.

So please, I need to know. Is there a masochist that has been living in the Arsenal camp? If so, why oh why did Wenger hire such a person? Perhaps the plot thickens and all this time Wenger has been pretending he wants to win the league, but in fact, he just wants sabotage Arsenal's chances because Wenger has secretly been seeing the wicked witch of the west who has turned him evil?

It's a theory....

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