Thursday 3 December 2015

Mirallas is NOT what AC Milan Need in January

Why the hell are Milan going for Mirallas in January? Have they not heard me was lyrical of how they need a better midfield? How does a winger who is pretty good at best solve that problem? And not to mention a player who can't even break into the first team at Everton?

Something is very wrong at Milan, and the fingers have to be pointed at Galliani who runs football operations. Maybe he's forgotten how to run a club because for Mirallas to be the main target for Milan in January obviously shows they don't know where their deficiencies are. I would have thought that was his job. For he and Mihaijlovic to realize where they are weakest, and to do all they can to try and solve that weakness. They should be looking either for a central midfielder to help old man Montolivio or a creative player who slots in at the hole to give supply to both Adriano and Bacca.

Mirallas is not a crap player, but he's not very good. On his day, he can be pretty effective and both score and put in a cross. Over the course of a season, he's more yang than yin. He just doesn't consistently play at the required level Milan would need for him to compete in what is now a very tough Serie A. Beyond that, I just don't know how he could improve the team. Sure, Milan don't have any wingers to speak of so he would be a good addition, but it's not looking at the bigger problem, it's just papering over the cracks.

Someone needs to get Berlusconi off that under-aged prostitute and force him to start caring about his club. He needs to speak to the Thai investor and put some real money into getting the quality that this team needs in order to move forward. Excuse my mandarin, but Milan are really shit right now. There's no other word to describe it. It's an insult to the greats who have won the shirt that the club has fallen to this level where they are no better than Sampdoria or Atalanta. And getting Mirallas just adds further insult to injury.

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