Tuesday 19 January 2016

Bacca is Carrying AC Milan like a Baby

Milan are rubbish. Excuse my lack of a more profound term to describe their performances this season, but I feel that word was apt enough. They are a disgrace to the legends of old, an embarassment, not fit to wear the red and black jersey, blah, blah blah. You've heard me lament about that enough.

But there has been one primary positive in the dire downward spiral that is AC Milan football club. That is the Colombian striker, a man in the shadow of James and the now defunct Falcao, but who is now putting his name on that very exclusive club of lethal number nines.

Carlos Jeremiah Bacca.

He was doing this at Sevilla, being a superb striker and hitting those goals when it mattered. What he is doing for Milan is even greater and deserves more praise because of the bricks he's surrounded by, and lack of service he's been getting. He is having to work double-time and night shifts to just to get the G's that he has given to Milan. That is what you call a true hustle and without him, Milan would be dwindling down in mid-table and Sinisa would again be without a job.

When I think of the best stikers in the world right now, you look at Higuain, Benzema, Aguero, Lewandowski. You're going to have to throw Bacca into that bracket. Not only is he very good when he's on a one-on-one, he is very good on the ball and knows how to conjure up his own chances. Again, he has had to because of the lack of a creative midfielder in the Milan team. And if Galliani is not careful and doesn't buy more players to make Milan relevant, they won't keep him.

Bacca is not going to keep on scoring all these goals, getting these plaudits and be content with fighting in the lower reaches of the league table. He is already far too good for the team and the Milan board better recognize this and do all they can to keep him. Especially when you think of how people are on the hunt for strikers which are very rare these days, Bacca will become hot property and if Milan lose him, they should start planning for relegation battles.

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