Sunday 17 January 2016

Higuain Has Now Become VITAL if Napoli Want the Scudetto

I don't know about the overweight dude that sky-rocketed that penalty at the Copa America final. But this dude who is ripping it up in a blue shirt for the Naples club, is one of the most lethal strikers in the world. If he can remain fit, hungry and this devastating in front of goal, then Napoli have a very good chance of pipping Juventus to the title.

The first thing you need in winning a title is a great squad. When you think of how long a season is, and how gruelling it is on the body, only about three or four of your players end up playing every game of the season. So you need players to bring in, but you have to replace quality with quality. Looking at Napoli's squad, the guys coming off the bench seem to be as good as those on the pitch.

But this is the business of ripling the fishnet as many times as possible. And I've always believed more in the striker to be your goal-getter rather than this new position that is the attacking winger. When you think of the insane amount of goals that Cristiano scores every season, how come Madrid have only win the La Liga once in all that time?

That's because strikers, more than any other position in football, understand the need to score important goals. It's not just about having good stats, but scoring when it matters. Higuain has that hunger and desire in him to always pop off shots, but when the game is tight is when he comes even more alive, as he 's always eager to get into the box and win the game for his team.

I've got to say though, and Sarri knows this, if Higuain was to go down injured, it would seriously hamper Napoli's title credentials. They have Insigne, Hamsik and Mertens who can get goals, but they don't have that killer-instinct in front of goal that the Argentine cat has. So this is the kind of time where doping, witch-doctors and special poitions will be needed to keep Higuain as fresh as six daisies. Under no circumstance, must he sustain a long term injury.

But how long can he keep on this amazing goal streak? This is already his best ever season in his whole career and it's ironic that it came after he was mocked in Ibiza for missing that penalty in Chile at the Copa. He was enemy number one, but that all seems almost forgotten because of how amazing he has been. The way in which he plays that position of striker is something I haven't seen since the days of Weah and Batistuta. Too many strikers are far too giving and democratic. It is supposed to be the loneliest and most selfish position on the pitch, where the only thing a striker should be thinking about is getting as many goals a game as possible.

Juventus are coming, and they seem to be the team that they will be competing with after Inter and Fiorentina failed to win their games. It's going to be a very tough task against a club who know very well how to win this competition. But with Higuain fit and scoring, they have a fighting chance.

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