Wednesday 6 January 2016

Dybala May Just Have Replaced Carlito Tevez

Paolo Dybala. The kid from Argentina who is taken the Serie A by storm and putting everyone in the world on notice that he is leading Juventus back to their perch, and that there is a future beyond Lionel Messi.

Moments are what make a player, and Dybala has been producing stellar moments for Juventus. Against very weak opposition, he stepped right up and delivered a free-kick so good that the keeper did not even bother moving. Executed to perfection, and it was a moment that said to Pogba, Marchisio and any other free-kick taker for Juventus that he was now the first in the pecking order.

I have been shouting this kid's praises this season, thinking he would need some time to emulate Tevez. This may be tempting fate, but screw it; Dybala is already showing the same kind off effectiveness as Carlito. Not saying he's better or even as good as him, as that would be disrespectful of his career. But Dybala gives Juventus something different, and his goals as well as general play that is the focal point of Juve's attack is just what Allegri was looking for in Tevez's replacement.

Where Tevez was more of a striker who could drop deep and play with midfielders, Dybala is a lot more free and roams all around the pitch. He can find spaces in the middle or out wide, and therefore improves the dynamism of Juventus. This also makes it very hard for a defender to pick him up. Man-marking would be stupid as he has no fixed position, and because he is to quick on the ball, it's difficult to get the ball off him. Sure, he's not the strongest which means a burly defender can shove him off...but try actually getting close to this kid.

At the start of the season, Insigne was the best player in the league as his performances were incredible and why I have him as the mascot on the wesbsite's Serie A page. As of now, Insigne edges it, especially when you look at the incredible goal he scored earlier today, but Dybala is not that far behind. I'd even say that in the last few matches, Dybala has been consistently better than Insigne. The boy from Napoli has had a few matches where he's not been on his game, but I've yet to see a match where Dybala has been anonymous.

Juventus have a superstar, and they have him young. If they can keep him, as well as Pogba, and have those older heads watching over them; Juventus have a very bright future that ought to extend beyond domestic triumphs. But for now, it's about holding onto their scudetto.

Inter, Fiorentina, very afraid.

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