Wednesday 6 January 2016

Isco and Zidane Ought to be a Perfect Match

We all await the debut of Zidane as the new coach of Real Madrid. People will hate me for saying I don't believe it will end well, but that's my belief and not what I want. But there is the lingering issue that Zizou has to deal with, and it's one of his players who has been the subject of preying eyes looking to claw him away from Madrid.

Isco is a player who I never really thought much of. It was a case of hearing the noise and hype before even getting a chance to see the dude play. Once I saw him, I again was not that impressed. But the more I saw, he kept impressing me and when all other players around him where not putting in that work, he was the one bright spot who actually looked good on the ball and was trying things that I like to see on a  pitch.

The way in which he plays I believe will impress Zidane. Isco is very much a player who relies more on his skill and balance rather than bursts of speed. Zidane will look at this and perhaps turn him into a playmaker for the team, and tutor him in the art of executing the killer ball. At the moment, he is raw talent who can come up with a goal or assist here and there. But his game can be improved upon and one thing that Madrid are missing, is a player who can provide for Benzema, Cristina and Bale.

Selling Isco would be disastrous. The club is already a disaster but it can always get worse. Isco is not the kind of player you want to let go. Especially who has such a love and affinity for the club, it would be insulting to just ship him off to City and Bayern like a bastard child.

Whether Zidane can get the best out of Isco is just a very small piece of the giant puzzle that is getting Madrid clicking again and winning games. But it's a start. If he can employ Isco as a playmaker in the same way that Mourinho did with Ozil, then he can turn his attentions to Cristina and Benzema and get them working together alongside the young Spanish one. That then may be the beginning of some success for Zizou.

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