Thursday 7 January 2016

Mourinho and Man United May Not be an Ideal Match

The saga of the United coaching situation still continues. Will he stay or will get get thrown out the front door? That is what Van Gaal has had to deal with for the past weeks, and there's still no certainty as to where his position stands as manger.

All the while, lurking in the shadows and rubbing his hands together as he bides his times, is Jose Mourinho; The Betrayed One. Many United fans believe him to be the one befitting of following in Ferguson's footsteps. Moyes was the misstep, and Van Gaal has turned out to be at odd with the United way. It is Mourinho that many feel is the one to carry on the unprecedented work that Ferguson laid out.

But is Jose the right man?

Mourinho definitely has the CV to be a United manager. You know the drill. Portugal, England, Spain, Italy; he's been a resounding success. There is not job that has been too big for him, and once you head to Real Madrid and be success there, you can be successful anywhere. That club are looking for their next La Liga win as Jose is the last man that delivered it for them.

When I hear the fans clamoring for Mourinho; there's a reason why they are doing so. It's much more than just getting a big name, but it's about wanting to go away from the philosophy Van Gaal has brought to the team. Apparently, United are too boring and they want to play more positive and attacking football just like the Ferguson days. Even ADIDAS, have shown concern in the way Van Gaal has made his team play. And I can tell you this; ADIDAS is not very high on Van Gaal's worry-list.

So with that being said, is Mourinho the man to bring the excitement?

I thought Mourinho is the one who invented the concept of parking nukes, buses, trains and houses in the penalty box? Isn't he the one who people have criticized for being too negative and allergic to free-flowing attacking football? How then is this the man to bring back all that goodness to Old Trafford?

I don't think these fans have really thought this through. Van Gaal may not be a coach who will throw men up forward, but he's most definitely not a defensive coach. Throughout his whole career, his teams have never been known as great defensive sides. On the contary, that is Mourinho's wine and cake. He is perhaps known as one of the greatest defensive minds the game has seen. He builds from the back and works his way through the rest of the team.

Mourinho at United with those players would not work. He he needs the right kinds of players and is not one to turn bricks into gold. As much as he claims to love Rooney and even tried to bring him to Chelsea, there is no manager in the world that can help Rooney now. So as I see it, getting Mourinho in now to try and win the title for United or even come top four would be a tall order. Things aren't ideal with Van Gaal, but he's doing his best with what he has at his disposal.

But the very selfish me would love for Mourinho to go to United, just for laughs....

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