Thursday 7 January 2016

The Januzaj Dortmund Deal Sucked.

Why did this fail? Not as if I thought this was one of the best moves of the last ten years, but I am inclined to wonder why this should never have even happend in the first place?

Januzaj is a player who has been a victim of overhype. It's what almost killed Sterling but he seems to have risen above it. But ever since Januzaj had that small period were he wreaking havoc on the wing for United, people thought he was the next big thing. The successor to Giggs and even England wanted him to play for them when he was deciding what nation to be aligned with.

Then he teetered out, and all that talk stopped. And he was no longer putting in these high-class performances that people expected to see because of the hype, and he fell out of favour with Van Gaal. Hence why it all ended up with him being sent away, along with Chicharito. But with Hernandez being thankfully sold and that being of great benefit to United, Januzaj's loan to Dortmund fell flat.

I saw some games that he played and he was okay. But with how quick Dortmund play, and how in sync the players are, it was too steep a learning curve for Januzaj. He wasn't able to click into the super high gear that the Dortmund players operate at, and it ended up with him not having many minutes on the pitch. Pretty much, he was loaned to a team that didn't need his services and are playing some of the best football in Europe without him.

Now being back at United, I'm not sure what is next for him. I mean, Van Gaal may need him but the very fact he was sent out on loan implied that King Louis did not deem him relevant to his plans. Even with the attacking problems that United have, Januzaj is not the answer. They need a higher calibre of player who is already refined as the Belgian kid still has some development to do.

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