Wednesday 13 January 2016

Giroud, This is Your Chance to Prove Henry Wrong and Inspire Arsenal

Word on the street is Wenger is out shopping for another striker. He senses the title, he can sniff it, and that aroma is getting him edgy. As much as he waxes lyrical about how strong his army are, secretly he knows they need to strengthen. Which leaves Giroud feeling like that unwanted step-child, who just lurks in the corner and does his bit without too much fanfare.

But can the step-child rise and become the loved and appreciated son?

Tonight, Giroud has a chance to raise his stock. Make people respect him and show that he is more than just a finisher who gets his average number of goals against teams pulled out of a ditch. This is a big match against Liverpool, an important one. These are the kinds of games that he needs to score in, these are the matches where if he can get the winner, it will go a long way in letting the fans know that they don't need to bring in someone. They already have a hero in their ranks.

Henry, the Arsenal legend, the man important behind that invincibles season and what many may say, myself included, may be the best footballer in the Premiership, has not vouched for his fellow countryman. It was a scathing remark that would have cut deep into Giroud. That an Arsenal and French legend does not feel that you are good enough to deliver the title for your club. What made it worse, not a lot of people disagreed with the assessment.

I wholeheartedly agreed with Henry. Giroud is someone I would have in my squad, but I don't believe that he is good enough to give me the title in the way Aguero or Benzema or even Van Persie can. He just does not have it in him to come up with the winning goal himself when the game is tied. That's what those special strikers can do. Being able to assess the situation, and realize they need to take hold of the situation. Not about passing, or looking for a one-two, but striking that ball once the opportunity arises and banging the net.

Giroud; this is your chance. Liverpool with their injuries, won't be an easy game at Anfield. It may be open or it could be tight, but there won't be a landslide either way. There will come times during the game where Giroud can either win the game for Arsenal, or get them back in it. The question is whether he has the balls and mentality to do it, and become the hero that the Arsenal so crave.

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