Friday 15 January 2016

What's the Mata with Juan?

Once upon a time, in a land rather far away, Juan Mata used to be starter for Spain, and considered one of the very best attacking midfielders in the game. Under Di Matteo, he was probably the best player in the Premiership and perfected the art in the creation of chances with his expert left foot.

All that changed. With Di Matteo getting the sack, Mata not being preferred by Mourinho, then being shipped off to United and with how that club has gone through the changes, Mata has lost himself, and become a player who has lost his touch. No more effective and not contributing to the team, he's now an afterthought which leaves one to wonder exactly what happened to him.

Looking at Mata's plunge, I would say it would have to do with being in the right system. There are very few players who can work under any manager, with any sets of players and in whatever tactical formation. For most players, they really flourish and blossom if they are in an environment that suits their style of play. Mata had the perfect setup in Di Matteo's Chelsea.

That Chelsea team played a slower, counter-attacking game which allowed Mata more time on the ball to pick his pass. And the players around him as the style were in cohesion with the way that Mata played. He was allowed more freedom to pick his points on the pitch, and find the right passes with his left foot. It also helped that Di Matteo believed in him, and entrusted him with being the playmaker of the team, which meant he was empowered as a player which helps a lot.

With United, the team isn't as good as that Chelsea team to begin with. So Mata is required to do more, because the quality isn't there to make good use of his passes, and they don't share his wavelength. Also, in Van Gaal's possession based system, there is no real room for the playmaker role that Mata is best at. The formation is flatter, and there's no room for any player to do what he wants. That removes the creative freedom Mata once had, and forces him into a clearly defined role which is how Van Gaal likes his teams to operate. That has lead to Mata having a few good games, and others where is completely out of it, and cannot affect the game in the way he should.

Being in January, I would push for a move if I was Mata. Between Van Gaal and Mourinho, if he is to come, Mata is screwed. Both managers won't benefit him. He needs to move to a club where more fluid and three-dimensional formation is used, and he's allowed that ability to be more malleable on the pitch rather than being restricted.

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