Thursday 14 January 2016

Reus Must See a Witch-Doctor To Avoid Injury Pain

If the Genie gave me only one wish, I would instantly, without thinking, wish that injuries never existed so that the best players always got to play in all the tournaments and had fulfilled careers. When you think of all the great footballers who never reached their heights because of injury, it's very annoying. Reus is in danger of falling into this category.

Marco Reus is one of the world's best attacking midfielders. When this boy is on it, he is an incredible player to watch. The speed at which he can pop balls off, drift past players and meander his way through tight spaces and get goals is amazing. He is any manager's dream who wants to play the counter attack. When he is in the Dortmund team and on his game, they are very hard to stop.

But the biggest hindrance to Reus has been his glass legs. Just when he gets going and people take notice of him, he gets injured and he falls of the radar. It's happened so many times, that people now take bets as to how long it will be till his next injury. Very unfortunate for someone who really should put Germany on the map for individual talent, as I put him right in that upper echelon for the position that he plays in.

If these injuries keep persisting, I would advise Reus to seek a different kind of treatment. Sometimes even the best German doctors cannot heal something that appears to be untreatable. But where witch-doctors and herbal medicine is concerned, then nothing is impossible. It comes a time when a man must seek a higher intervention if he wants to play more football than just sleep on the treatment table like our good friend Daniel Sturridge.

It would be a real shame if Reus got another injury, but an even more serious one that he couldn't come back from, and decided to hang up those boots. Germany and the world would have lost a really amazing attacking midfielder, and someone who bring so much excitement to football.

Marco....get the numder of the best witch-doctor and make it happen.

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