Wednesday 24 February 2016

Bayern Raised Their Game and Should Have put Resilient Juventus Away

Wow. I did not see this coming. I was appalled by those who said Bayern were the clear favorites and would be expected to win. I cited the fact that Juventus were Champions League finalists and the best team in Italy and demanded more respect. So I expected it to be a lot closer and be a tight battle against two very good teams. How wrong I was.

The match ended up being and feeling very one-sided. Especially in the first half which looked like a practice sessions for Bayern who played at ease and their own speed. I think both Pep and Allegri were both surprised by how easy Bayern found it in the first forty-five minutes. Pep surely would have expected Juventus to give them more of a game in that first half whilst Allegri looked confused and on the edge as he saw his team chasing shadows and defending for their lives. The match could and should have been over before Juventus miraculously came back, which shows why football is so great.

What would have shocked everyone who watched that match was how easily Bayern were able to keep possession and restrict Juventus from have any control whatsoever. I just couldn't believe how Juventus were like the away team and waited for scraps. Each time they had the ball, Bayern pressed and harassed them, causing them to rush their passes and cough up possession so easily. Even in defence, Bonnucci and Barzagli were always forced into long balls that did not connect to one of their players and if it managed to get into midfield, Pogba and Khedira were swarmed by two or three Bayern men.

I was really impressed by how Bayern approached the game from the jump. Being a lifelong critic of Pep, I've got to admit that they came to really play and were not joking around. You saw a team who want to win this competition and are taking it very seriously. Pep knows deep down, whatever he says to the press, that the Champions League is what he'll be judged by and he needs to  deliver.

There was a clear intent of not only getting the away goal but winning the match, which is suprising based on who they were playing and also not playing at home for the first leg. It was a different approach, and one that is putting everyone on notice that Bayern may be the team that could defeat the might of Barcelona and could win the whole thing.

The issue I've always had with Pep and Bayern is how they keep possession obsessively and don't play quick enough. There were still instances where they could have punished Juventus on the break, but there was no real training in counter-attack by players knowing their positions for it to be executed efficiently. But, this was a more attacking Bayern who were on the front foot and constantly looking to get as many goals against Juventus. A very brave performance and some serious disrespect shown to Juve.

I stand corrected and perhaps I underestimated the might of Bayern. But the tie is not over yet. If Bayern had won 2-0, then there would be no point in the second leg. At 2-2, Bayern are still in a very strong position but Juventus at least have a fighting chance, but they have so much to change. For Bayern, they can't let it slip now. They should really win that game in the second leg, but with how Juventus fought back without hardly ever being in the game must make Bayern weary and remind them that this is still an elite competition where it ain't over till it's over. HH

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