Tuesday 23 February 2016

Stage is set for Dybala to Announce Himself to the World

This is it. These are the kind of games where you make your name. It's these games where the boys need to take a toilet break and we welcome in the men with open arms. Dybala has had a great season for Juventus so far, and they owe a lot to him for their success. But the Champions League is a step up, and playing against Bayern will be his sternest test.

The really tough game Dybala had against Napoli was the best thing that could have happened to him prior to this match. If he'd gone in, full of confidence without having a difficult game, then he could have been shellshocked by what Bayern would have in store for him. And I am sure Bayern have a strategy for tying down Juve's most dangerous attacking player.

But these are the matches where we can say whether Dybala is the real deal or it's all hype. Much like how Ibrahimovic can score insane goals against mediocre teams, he never gets it done against the elite in the biggest matches. Dybala has an opportunity tonight to show the world that he's not all hype and that he can do it against the very best. It won't be easy, and he will need to make adjustments to his game to find spaces which will be rare, and make the very best of them when they do arise.

I'm excited and anticipating what Dybala has in store tonight. Bayern already know about what Cuadrado, Mandzukic, Pogba and Marchisio can do because there are years worth of footage to study. Dybala is just having this season with Juventus so he's a new card in the mix. Being young as well, he's got that energy about him and is a player who can run and cover all aspects of the pitch. The question is whether he will be able to have that kind of positive impact on the game or will he be bound and shackled by the experienced and older heads of Bayern?

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