Friday 4 March 2016

Cristina Ronaldo and Sergio Ramos Hand in Transfer Requests?

Hey, if Cristiano Ronaldo were to leave Madrid a lot of people would cry, try and cut their teeth into pieces and riot. But I guess I am one of the few who believe Madrid would be able to survive without the Portuguese. Nevertheless, him allegedly handing in a transfer request raises the eyebrows whilst again, allegedly, Ramos doing the same is far more shocking.

There are rumours that I don't bother listening to written by rags and click-bait magazines. But when actual proper magazines take up this story, then there's got to be some truth in it. For Zidane, it's not really what he wants. Players handing in transfer requests amidst a very bad loss at home to their rivals doesn't really promote an atmosphere of unity in the team.

I don't know why Ramos would do such a thing, that's the one that has my head scratching. This is the captain of the team, and therefore the leader. If there's anyone who should still be beating his chest and be defiant in the face of adversity, it should be the captain. That's the whole point of a such player who should be closest to the manger, and always fight for the club.

On the flip side, by Ramos handing in this transfer request, it sends out a very strong statement. And the person that Madrid fans must hope who gets this message is Perez. The fact that the captain is so disgruntled by how things are working behind the scenes that he feels the need to ask for a transfer, speaks very loud volumes. But assuming Perez has the sense and logic to understand such a message is a whole other matter.

Cristiano wanting a transfer just doesn't surprise or shock me as much as Ramos. So much has been written about him moving to PSG or the MLS and even back to United that it doesn't move me. And we've heard the rumblings of him not being happy, especially with how Ancelotti was sacked and not getting along with Benitez. It would make sense that he would want to try and see out his career and go out with a bang rather than dwindle a way in a club that doesn't have a clue how to run itself.

I am of the mindset that Madrid needs a total revamp from top to bottom. How the team is run and operated has to change. The first and most important thing though is having one manager and sticking with him through thick and thin. Enrique may have won the treble in his first season but that's because he was coaching the best attack in the world, and the core of the team has remained the same for the past five, six years. The same can't be said about Madrid who feel they need to buy and sell major players every season.

If Cristina was to leave, they would miss out on a lot of goals. As much as I hate him, he's an amazing goalscorer and letting that go will hurt. But if they sell him for what may be another world record, that's enough to get three or four really good players who would want to come to Madrid, and can share the goals around. With Ramos, it's not really a blow based on what he offers the team but more symbolic hit. Having Casillas being forced out by the fans and now Ramos leaving through a transfer request makes the image of Real Madrid just look really bad. HH

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