Friday 4 March 2016

Would Cazorla have made a Difference for Arsenal?

So Arsenal are going through a little crisis. Somehow, someway, in a match that they needed to win, they managed to lose to Swansea City. Yep, the Welsh club who are fighting relegation. So the question arises as to if Arsenal would have actually be leading the league right now if their midfield magician was still in the team.

Look, Cazorla is one of Arsenal's best players and he's definitely their best midfielder. Yes, he's better than Ozil. So Arsenal have a lost a lot not having him in the team. His passing, control of games and the way in which he gets the team going and just having a quality footballer in the middle of the pitch showing his skills, affects and raises the game of the other players. And in the recent matches, Arsenal have been missing that quality in midfield that would have helped them.

But, Cazorla is not Vieira. He isn't the type of midfielder that can control an entire match. He's also been criticized for quaking under the pressures of a big game. Been found missing, nowhere to be found...a very familiar story that concerns a certain German with Turkish roots. So to say Arsenal would have been seven points clear with Cazorla is going a bit far. Perhaps they would have been better and picked up a few more wins, but he's not as integral as Vieira was for these boys back in the day.

Whatever the case, they have missed him. Arsenal need some help right now and have to start winning some games. But if Arsenal end up not winning a league that was put right there on golden platter for them, they can't really blame it on Cazorla's injury. They have much larger issues which concern Wenger. Whether or not fans will act on that, is up to them and is for another discussion.

If I was Cazorla though, and you see how Chelsea have fallen and the way in which teams are losing against everybody, you would think that you could make a difference. And to see the kind of games that Arsenal have lost, Cazorla would be biting himself as I'm sure he would be like; "If i was on that pitch we would have won that game."

But again...don't focus on the small needles and instead look at the larger pie. HH

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