Friday 4 March 2016

Lucas Needs to Leave PSG to Realise his Potential

A few years ago, the Brazilian called Lucas was a hot name. He was right in the hat of fellow young up and comers vying to be the next big thing in football. You just need to Youtube some of the goals that he's scored in the Brazilian league and his pure dribbling to see this guy's talent. So when he moved over to PSG, seemed like a really good move and his chance to prove himself on the big Champions League stage.

Unfortunately it hasn't turned out that way. Lucas has become the promising talent to a squad player for PSG. A player who comes in and out of the team. That's unaccepable for a player who can potentially be put in the same breath as Neymar. He has to be playing every game because that is the only way in which he will get better. Just look at Pogba who has improved so much at Juventus over these consecutive seasons. It wouldn't have been possible if he didn't play every game and was a bench-warmer.

I've never been the biggest fan of Blanc and I feel he is the wrong manager both for PSG and for Lucas. He lacks that dynamism and ability to communicate with flair players like Lucas. That's the football that PSG play is far too conservative without any risk-taking. It's at odds with what Lucas brings which is why he's not really been part of Blanc's plans.

Lucas needs to leave this summer and widen his spectrum. Dortmund may seem like a "smaller" club, but they will be in the Champions League next season and the way in which they play perfectly suits Lucas. They attack, they always push the ball forward and all the midfielders help in the offensive game. It's the kind of environment in which Lucas will thrive in and we would see the best out of him which we are not getting at PSG.

I'm always on the hunt for the next big things because football is about the future. Messi is doing great things now as well as Robben, but their time will be up and newblood will need to get infused. I am hoping that Lucas can be put into the conversation of being one of those players that others can look at as one of the best in the world. To do that, he needs to ditch the croissants and that Eiffel Tower for a place in which he would be given the freedom to strut his stuff. HH

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