Monday 7 March 2016

Eva "Annoying Fiend" Carneiro NEEDS TO GET LOST. Public Apology?!!!

Who is this person?! What does she think she is? Last I checked, she's a doctor, but now she's all of a sudden demaning a public apology from one of the best managers in the world? Does she know her place or does she need to be reminded about it?

This kind of stuff just irks me but it happens. The ant tends to think he's a lion, untl an actual lion shows up and he remembers exactly what he is. I personally don't know what Eva is trying to achieve by still pursuing this. I though this was over a long time ago and was glad that people stopped covering the story. Because, you know, if your boss demotes you....he demotes you. That's just how things work in the real world, and not the Matrix.

Now Carneiro wants Mourinho, who's busy trying to find a job to feed his family, to now make a public apology and beg for forgiveness. It's ludicrous and someone needs to advise Carneiro that she's irrelevant. She's just a team doctor. That's it. Not a famous one, or perhaps she thinks she is relevant because she's one of the few female doctors in football?

She needs to shut up, know her place and just move on. HH

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