Saturday 12 March 2016

Is Garden of Eden Hazard Addicted to getting Injured During Matches?

Seems that almost every match I manage to catch Eden Hazard in, he winces, squeezes his face then signals to his bench that he has to come off. I wouldn't make a big deal if this was once in a while, but when it happens so often, then I begin to get suspicious. Also doesn't help that I don't even trust Hazard to begin with.

In Chelsea's most important game of the season against PSG, a match in which they were a goal away from tying things up, Costa goes down injured and has to go off. Now, I'm not going to take any issue with Costa doing this because he rarely ever goes off injured. Oh, and he was the most dangerous player on the field and was the route to Chelsea winning the game.

Once he went off, you could feel the heads of the Chelsea players drop and now it was all down to Willian to do it all on his own. Or, maybe that Belgian who was the Premiership's best player last season. Perhaps this was his opportunity to shine and show that it doesn't need to all be on Costa, and he had what it took to drive Chelsea forward into the quarters.


Hazard played a little, started wince, squeeze his face, and then came the signal for him to come off. In such a pivotal, vital game; Hazard yet again subbed himself off. Sorry, but that doesn't sit well with me. You can do it once, maybe twice; but I think this is the third time he has done so. Also, it's not as if he's putting in the kind of performances that Costa and Willian have been putting in. So it just shows a lack of fight, character and fortitude to dig in deep and fight through the pain to help your team.

Oops, I forgot. He was playing for a contract at PSG, and once he felt the slightest bit of pain he had to quickly take himself off so as not to get a long term injury that would ruin his chance to sleepwalk in a PSG jersey next season.

Thumbs way down for Hazard. HH

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