Saturday 12 March 2016

If Dortmund Keep Their High Level Football, They DESERVE the Europa League

Dortmund play the best football in Europe...period. Their public lashing of a weak Tottenham team was not proof of that, but merely a reminder of what they can do if you allow them to ball. They've been doing this for most of this season, and they now have a very good chance of lifting up this trophy.

What Tuchel has done to carry on the work of Klopp but improve on it has been absolutely amazing. Dortmund are a better footballing side than they were under Klopp, and this is without Lewandowski and Gotze, two of the very best from the Bundesliga. Tuchel has managed to maintain that attacking vein but add a bit more spice and dynamism to the pie.

The way in which Castro and Weigl, two players who not many would recognize outside of the Bundesliga, have flourished so well under Tuchel just shows that this is a team effort. Reus and Aubamayeng may still the headlines, but whenever Dortmund are at their best, there isn't that one player who they all rely on to push them forward. This isn't Chelsea who can't function without Willian or Costa in their team. All ten outfield players work together as one and each and everyone of them are vital to the team effort.

Unless some secret betting takes place or Dortmund implode, they are through the next round of this UEFA Cup. Honestly, if they play their football and are on their game, they can beat any team left in the competition. No defense that I see will be able to handle the intensity and inventiveness of this team that combines speed, creativity and incredibly team effort. But it's a big IF that they will be able to maintain this kind of football for as long as they are in the competition.

Any neutral who has seen them play has to cheer them on. They are football and play the game the right way. So if life was being fair, no offence to Villareal or Sevilla who are both very good and will be favorites as well, Dortmund deserve to win this trophy based on how well they play the game.

But it's football...and anything can happen on that patch of green and white.HH

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