Thursday 24 March 2016

Kante is the Underappreciated French Engine For Miracle Leicester

A lot of the focus on Leicester's amazing season that is capturing the hearts, minds and pancakes of the world has been on Mahrez and Vardy. But as crucial as they have been, especially Mahrez, it's been a team effort where everyone has chipped in and played an important role. But where is the love for the heart of Leicester's midfield, Kante?

His call-up to the French team just shows how amazing he's been for Leicester. And that has been very well deserved because Kante has been amazing for Leicester. The amount of work he puts in for football's toughest and most demanding position has been very important to Leicester being so consistent this season. Because without a strong midfield, you can't survive.

As of right now, I cannot think of many midfielders who put in the amount of work and have the kind of energy, stamina and command for the central midfield position that Kante has. This dude is all over the pitch, where he hounds down opponents, wins tackles, distributes the ball well and keeps the Leicester train running. When he plays, more times than not, Leicester win the midfield battle and he's a very important conduit that connects the game-changers of Vardy and Mahrez.

It would cap off a special season if he can carry up the Premier League trophy and manages to break into the French team for the Euros. It's stories like these that are great to hear. Players who play in teams that don't have millions dripping out of their ears, and have to really work extra hard to show how good they are because of the quality of the team that they are in. It's also credit to Monsieur Didier that he did not show prejudice in picking players. Kante has got in based on merit, and if he keeps his performances, a midfield trio of Pogba, Matuidi and Kante could be a very tasty prospect.

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