Tuesday 8 March 2016

Wolfsburg Should Ease through at home, But Gent...

When Wolfsburg went three up agains Gent away from home, what I and many had expected was now a formality. Everyone assumed Wolfsburg would go through as they got the weakest team, but I didn't really see them making it so easy. Then, for some reason, Hecking's boys decided to at least make it a contest and coughed up two goals to Gent. Which makes things just a little tricky.

Wolfsburg are still in a strong position. They are at home, the know they can get goals against Gent and they are a really good team when they want to be. So this should still be a formality, but Gent will at least come into this game knowing that it's not over. If they arrived in Germany, and were down by three away goals, then we should start discussing the forfeit rule. But they are only a goal down, so they just need to win by two clear goals.

I would hold by head in amazement if Wolfsburg were to lose to Gent by two clear goals. Football is a crazy sport and anything can happen, but I just don't foresee such a thing. Wolfsburg will know of that threat because of the scoreline and how they allowed Gent back into the game, so I expect them to play with more concentration and discipline than if they were leading by three clear goals. In that sense, this should be a Wolfsburg victory and a passage into the quarter-finals.

But hey, remember when Milan thrashed Deportivo at home back in 2004, and everyone thought it was all over? Then Deportivo came and turned that all around. So it can happen and it has happened. A key difference though is that Deportivo back then were a very good team and much better than Gent who are an unknown property. So whilst it was still crazy that they turned it around against Milan, they had the attacking power to do so. Gent are not blessed in that department.

So unless the mob are involved, Wolfburg should officially find themselves in the quarter-finals by the end of tonight. HH

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