Thursday 12 June 2014


Fred. When I first heard that name being associated with Brazil, I thought it was a joke. other words, Fred Flintstone. I just did not want to believe this was the successor to Romario, Ronaldo....Fred? But seeing that Confederations Cup Final and how he took those two goals against Spain, I had newfound respect for him. Fact is, HE IS Brazil's striker now and he has the chance to etch his name in Brazilian folklore in a way Pele, Romario and Ronaldo could not. WIN THE WORLD CUP FOR HIS COUNTRY...IN HIS COUNTRY.

Fred may not have the amazing technical abilities of Romario, Ronaldo or any of his predecessors. But what he does possess is an eye for the goal, great finishing and a chemistry that has been built with Oscar, Neymar and the others. That is very, very important.

As Brazil face Croatia, this is going to be the first time that Fred can seize his chance and try and win the hearts of the Brazilian people. He may not be able to change the views of the rioting residents...but he can at least show that a HOMEGROWN player can deliver on the very big stage.

The worst thing that could happen for Fred is if he wastes a host of chances, Brazil limp to a draw or even worse...LOSE...and he is blamed for it all. That could knock his confidence, and I am not sure whether he possesses the character to bounce back and be even stronger in his response to it all. So it's important that he starts off on the right foot, and can really show the world that he is more than just a Flinstone...he is a BRAZILIAN striker.

The way Brazil play with him is very different from the days of Rivaldo/Ronaldo or Romario/Bebeto. Fred is pretty much that lone striker with Neymar and Hulk on both of the flanks and Oscar in the middle. He pretty much has to play off those skilful talents behind him, and use the channels to get into the spaces when inevitably, Oscar or Neymar thread balls through to him. His combination and relationship with that creative three will form the foundation of Brazil's goals and will be the deciding factor for Brazil in the tournament...especially if they want to avoid penalties.

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