Thursday 12 June 2014


Not many, if any, manager has won the World Cup TWICE. That is what Scolari is seeking. This is no ordinary search of a second World Cup. This great competition is in his homeland and he knows and every Brazilian player in that squad knows that ANYTHING BUT VICTORY would be a cataclysmic failure. As Brazil kick off tonight, Scolari must have his team playing his way from the onset and set the tone for the rest of those vying to take them out to lunch...AND NOT pay.

Phil won the competition twelve years ago but there was one HUGE difference. Back then, he had a hungry, more mature Ronaldo and of course, his partner in crime, Rivaldo. Between the both of them, they carried Brazil to the Final but of course, Phil had a lot of say in HOW they did that...with the use of Kleberson in the middle to thug it out and get low down and dirty.

It's different now. He does not have two superstar strikers, his squad is younger and less experienced. But what he can count on is a greater sense of TEAM which he hopes will be enough, along with the buzz of playing in front of his people to carry them over the final hurdle. The big worry is that ONE player who can change a game like Rivaldo and Ronaldo could. Brazil have always had that and Scolari knew that back in 2002. He created an environment that could maximize the talents of Rivaldo and Ronaldo. In that Final, it was really all about one man's WILL to undo what happened four years ago...forcing everyone to step out of the way and allow FENOMENO to tell us why he was one of the greatest.

Scolari will be looking to Neymar to step up and take on the biggest stage in sport. He has that number ten shirt, he is the obvious star of the team and he MUST make himself known in every match....including, Brazil hope, the final match in which they expect to lift that trophy aloft.

It starts off tonight. Scolari will be relieved to get the ball rolling for REAL. No friendlies, Confederations Cup, but the real thing and the chance to finally see how his team operate under proper, competitive conditions. He will be looking to see Thiago COMMAND that defence, for Paulinho and Gustavo to control the midfield, and Fred Flinstone to prove his doubters wrong and deliver for Brazil when needed. But as much as the word TEAM is tossed about...Scolari knows deep down that when it gets to those close games, just like Ronaldo, Rivaldo and Ronaldinho did twelve years ago, he will need his BEST player to show up and make it happen...nothing else can suffice.

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