Wednesday 18 June 2014

World Cup 2014 - A Less Pressured Ozil, is a BETTER Ozil for Germany

No longer is he the Chosen One. The guy to deliver Germany from darkness and into the golden light....with a very nice looking trophy. Mesut is now a cog in the wheel, a VERY important cog, and that is suiting him far better than having the pressure of being the team's star. Mueller is the star now, and Ozil is part of one of the most inventive midfields in the world.

Different players, have different characteristics and different ways of dealing with things. Ozil is the kind of guy who likes to chill out, do his own thing at his own pace. He won't shout or really bust his balls for something. He'd rather just glide through like a fish or dolphin. And that s fine, because this is a very talented player and if used and coached RIGHT, he WILL be an asset.

In this..."false 9,10, 56" formation that Low plays, Ozil is having fun fitting into it and getting the ball rolling. There is no burden on focus on him because Mueller, Goetze and even Kroos are all getting involved. It's now a team effort with each player taking turns attacking, supplying and combining the two. This allows for Ozil to roam around, and start moving like he used to before joining Madrid. Something back from his Bremen days.

It has worked so far, and Germany are looking very bright, inventive, creative and full of life. Ozil seems happier now away from the spotlight and without that burden of being Germany's great big star that will carry them over the line. Few players can handle that Ronaldo(REAL), Zidane, Pirlo. They have the character and personalities for it and are ready to literally CARRY their team. Low must contend with Germany pulling together as a team as they have always done, without any egos or stars hogging the limelight. That's never really been the German way...

It's a long way to go. Six more possible games for victory. Ozil I am sure deep down wants to show the world that he IS a better and more influential player than he was four years ago. That does not mean he needs to control the team, but if there is a man who can pick off decisive pass....Mesut is one of those that can do that. It MAY just take that to eventually give this talented special bunch the WORLD CUP.