Sunday 20 July 2014


Conte. The screaming guy on the touchline, who's also pretty good at what he does. THE FACE of the new Juventus. The man who dragged them from the mud and recesses of football's death row. THREE titles in a row. And he leaves? Because he can't continue on? NO! The story gets deeper, and it involves someone supposed to be on Mars and Italian football as a whole.

Conte got screwed. The Vidal and the Pogba rumors may seriously be growing and the only reason for him to leave this great project that HE STARTED, is because the team and legacy he is building is getting torn from a possessed kitten on speed.

You can be the greatest coach in the world, but without the right players surrounding you, it don't mean nada. Perhaps, in the next few weeks, we may see why Conte decided to give the higher-ups two fingers and be on his the Azzurri as most Italians would hope for.

I can understand if Conte was replaced by a great coach. Rijkaard, Hiddink, Van Gaal, Ferguson, Mourinho...all great coaches.

I can't understand if Conte was replaced by a MEDIOCRE coach. The Juve fans deserve more than see such a great man leave and the new boss be some mid-table manager with a few skills but without the balls to take up a big job and retain the scudetto.

And then...we have...Allegri. Massimiliano is one of those coaches who PRAYS he is in charge of great players. Players that can hide his lack of any tactical thoughts or strategy whatsoever. But when Ibra left, what we saw was a clueless man who one must think had to have PAID people to put him in a job. And I'm talking MILLIONS.

But this now means that with the changing of guard at Juventus, Roma, Napoli and Fiorentina can really take their chances in dethroned the three-time champs.

It was Roma who ran Juventus close, but with too many draws and a brick-layer as a striker, they fell short. However, Garcia showed that with that defense and midfield, there was enough in there to mount a serious challenge next season WITH Conte in charge of Juventus. But my goodness, with Allegri coming in and the whole thinking of THREE years being changed, it allows Roma to perhaps try and take a foothold and turn all those draws into wins.


You can't count out Napoli. Benitez, love or hate him, is a VERY good coach. With a few more acquisitions, and perhaps someone to help Higuain in attack, Napoli will definitely be in there for the title.

He may not have had a big influence at the World Cup, but Insigne is the star of Napoli and can only get better. Benitez HAS to use him and Mertens to drive the team forward and be consistent in the points that they pick up.

It's sad to see Conte go. He was a great character to watch on the sideline but he also was a superb coach. The way Juventus operated and worked, was like a machine. Organized, professional and consistent. THAT was how they won the three scudetti...CONSISTENCY. I just don't see that in my friend Allegri. He may prove us all wrong and win the Champions League with Juventus. But he better hope that Juventus AT LEAST stay in the title race throughout...or could get really ugly.

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