Thursday 24 July 2014

Messi may Need to play in Other Systems to shut down Doubters

It was an interesting question. We talked about it in the forum and it made me think. Messi has been a beast of a creature for Barcelona. It's pretty much a foregone conclusion that when it comes down to STATS and NUMBERS, Messi is Barcelona's greatest player...and a statue WILL be built to honour him. But what about Argentina? And what about the ultimate question....would Messi be as effective in another league?

I'm confident that Messi would still bang those g's in if he was in the Premiership or Bundesliga. Both of those leagues are not known for their great defences, but more about their attacks. But, I have always felt Messi is a slave to the Barcelona system that is very meticulous. He knows when to pass, when and where to run and it all runs like clockwork. In a team that doesn't play that way, like Argentina, he isn't as deadly. So in these leagues he may not be as strong.

Now, let's talk Italiano. YES, I understand Corleone still has his powers over affairs in the Serie A with corruption being rife. But leave that aside and let us talk purely football. I think Messi would struggle in the Serie A. It is still a very tactical league predicated on defending. I'm not too sure Messi would score his laughably easy goals he scores against the clownish defenders in La Liga.

It is wrong to use this argument to detract from the type and quality of talent that Lionel Ritchie is. Just don't give me that crap that because he has not played in other leagues, he is not a great player. The kid has done AMAZING things unlike a lot of footballers before. Just give him those props and fall back....

But...I would like to see for ONE season, Messi in a team that don't play like Barcelona and in a league that is more physical. It would be interesting to see how he would fare.....


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