Monday 18 August 2014

A Hundred Mill for Di Maria from United?!!!!

Well it seems United wants to play some ball. A hundred mill for Di Maria. That is a whole lot of CHEDDAR. But it is not a question of cash, it is more to do with if Di Maria wants to move to such a club.

Things are not right in the woods called United. And I can BET Fergie is loving this.

"You dare forget me you fools?!!!" Fergie bellowed to the ungrateful United supporters.

The squad just can't cut it for a season. Last I checked, Di Maria is not a defender. And I do believe that the defense of United is pretty garbage. But let's just focus on this transfer because a hundred million for a damn good attacking midfielder is too much. Those in the higher vessels if Trafford have to realize that you can't spend all this money on little ol'  Di Maria.

I will put money down that this does not come through. Madrid would be in the clear financially but Di Maria is on the up. How do you go from playing in the Champions League and competing for every title available to....fighting for fourth place. Think about that for a moment.....

A hundred million clams...