Monday 18 August 2014

King Ramsey returns to Rescue Arsenal over Crystal Palace

I would have gone in thinking that the incredible season that Ramsey had would be the flash in the pan. Amazing one year then useless the other. But these Welsh cats mean business. KING RAMSEY returned to do what he did in Arsenal's final game last year....score the winning goal.

Arsenal ain't perfect yet. They have much to work on. There was not that barrage of chances that you would expect from the home cats. Especially when the clever cats that run Crystal Palace sack their manager before the season starts. And not that it matters or is relevant, that same manager won the best coach of the season award. Just saying....

I expected more from Arsenal. But Sanogo still needs to settle into a rhythm and Giroud is Giroud. But all that matters in sport is the result. You don't get penalized for winning ugly or not convincingly. Just WIN the freaking match. Arsenal did that and must continue to win...but more importantly, it's what they do in those "big" games.

Ramsey. If he somehow takes his game to another level and keeps fit throughout the season alongside Walcott and the OX. And you have Sanchez bringing his A-GAME, then we are in business. But Ramsey may be crucial again. Scoring is one thing which Giroud does. But scoring equalizers and winners is what really makes the custard creamy.