Friday 21 November 2014

Wenger Needs to WAKE up against the Manchester ORPHANED Defence

When will Wenger wake up. Not Arsenal but ARSENE. When will this guy actually WAKE the hell up and smoke that cheese! His team are falling behind Chelsea, although they were never gonna make much headway, but the team are giving up points and look like fourth will be a fight as Southampton and that grinning Dutchman is making things more complex for the establishment. So Wenger, what will thou do against a defence full of orphans?

United have injuries from here to Venus, and IF there ever was a time for Arsenal to put a sword through United it is tomorrow.

Because Wenger has no excuses. That whole dream of waiting and trying to build something is now gone. That is a dead dream. He has these players and they are good enough to BEAT United at the cribb. Swansea were able to do so, so I don't see why Arsenal cannot. But it all rests on Wenger. Does he actually have ANY tactical ideas whatsoever to put down on the table or is he simply just going to roll over and take a bore draw? I forbid him to lose this match against the probable United lineup that we will see tomorrow. HE IS BANNED AND I DARE HIM TO LOSE TOMORROW AGAINST THOSE ORPHANS!

Lord only knows where Arsenal would be without Sanchez. But love or hate him, with Giroud back in the team and I have to reiterate....AGAINST THAT DEFENCE, with Cazorla, Ramsey and Rosicky as well as the Ox, these are players good enough to win. But if Wenger makes them play the same exact way and Van Gaal tactically nullifies that passing game, will Wengeritis rear its ugly head and will we see Arsene just lay back and somehow WILL his team to win using some French special hocus pocus soup from Nantes?

How things change. This used to be a match that was a top-of-the-table clash. Now, it's a pretty meaningless encounter with two of these teams vying for the FOURTH position rather than the main crown which is what these clubs should be going for. Van Gaal is the new double-chin on the block, while Mr. Raincoat has been in this league long enough to figure out how to get this talented squad competing for FIRST position.