Friday 26 December 2014

Shaqiri MUST force a move to save his Career

He can't stay. Like the Poddage at Arsenal, Shaqiri is wasting whatever talent he may have being at Bayern. With Jan coming, he needs a gun to Guardiola's head to force a move.

It's hard to say how good Shaqiri is, because he has never been given a FULL season as a starter for Bayern. He would only ever play if Ribery, Goetze or Robben was injured. Playing under those circumstances can hurt the pride of a player like Shaqiri who has A LOT of belief in his ability and ain't happy to just earn a great wage for doing nothing. I know many players *cough torres cough* who are happy to do that.

The question now arises as to just how good the Swiss man is. Because he IS good, and as an attacking winger, he could become a very dangerous player. But the only way that we can find out if he can truly be THAT player, is by him moving to a club where he is guaranteed to on be on that team sheet. And the rumor is Juventus, which when you look at the dynamics of the team, would be a very good move.

As my Italian aficionados have been wailing, Juventus have no proper wide threat. And when you look at Bale, Robben, Cristiano and Hazard, that attacking winger position has now become the most important. So with Shaqiri in the Juve team, he can give them that threat that they have been missing.

Whatever the case, Shaqiri needs to force the move. Being on rotation or just being "bitch-called" when Guardiola sees fit does him NO good. And who knows, Shaqiri may just show Guardiola that it should be HIM and Robben starting for Bayern every game.