Saturday 7 February 2015

Atletico Wipe the Floor with Real Madrid and Toss them Out the Window in 4-0 ROUT!

Thanks, Real. Thank you for making me look like a fool. Because like a fool, I thought Real would finally win, despite all their missing pieces. But at the very LEAST, I would have assumed this match would have the decency to be close and a bit of a contest.


Atletico came at Real with so much ferocity that Real did not even have time to acclimatize to not having Ramos, Pepe and Marcelo in the team.

The midfield was non-existent, no connection to the attack and whenever Atletico came forward, they just moved with too much quickness and imagination that it made it hard for Real with a new back four to defend them.

And those that say Atletico don't have the flash, that overhead kick  should disprove that and is a goal you should NOT ever concede. But Saul was called, and he answered the bell with a DAMN good goal that made Casillas look even worse after doing a weird massage with the ball that Tiago fired at him for the first goal.

But this was to be expected. Atletico proved last year that they are can compete with the very best. However, what I did not expect is for Real to pretty much offer NOTHING in response to the onslaught they were under. Bale and Cristiano had to have had one of their worst games EVER...and I mean EVER, because they probably could have helped the team more by not actually being on the pitch, they were that awful.

Simeone is a MASTER at shutting teams down, especially with stars. He and his Atletico have specialized in first stopping their opponents from playing their game, then hitting them with their own brand of football. So of course you knew he had something for Cristiano and Bale, but for Real's stars to not offer ANYTHING at all is jsut madness.

I don't know what Cristiano ate before he came on the pitch, but it was pretty scary to see all he did was pass the ball sideways or backwards. And I am terrified to even ask the question of whether he had a single shot at goal.....or even a shot in the DIRECTION of the goal.

But hey, he is one of the great of the game and a multiple ballon d'or winner, so what the hell do I know?

Let's move on.

You have to really congratulate Simeone and Atletico. Because these boys work hard, and work as a team. Whilst Cristiano and Bale hardly get back to defend with the team, EVERY SINGLE SOUL ON THAT PITCH FOR ATLETICO FIGHTS FOR EACH OTHER.

Yes, this is a sport that is about skill and technique, but in a match situation, if you are going up against fighters and are not willing to fight but assume that you talent will see you through, you will lose more times than you win.

By the time the third goal came around from the top man Griezemann, the match was over. Real just looked beaten and wanted to be off that pitch. You have to look at the players and Ancelotti as to how they could produce such an abject and laughable performance in a DERBY....because this isn't Elche or some part-time team, it's their sworn rivals!

As Atletico move forward, their star men of Griezemann and Turan will be critical in their domestic and European quest. Because these are some real quality players who deserve more praise as opposed to the frauds that are shoved down our throats. And looking at Real, they may have been missing quite a few players, but with a team with so much money and with the players in attack, to be so rubbish has to worry Ancelotti. For a season, you have to have players who can come in and do the job, just like in Bayern where every player knows the deal and does not fall under a certain level that Pep has set for the team.

And I am thankful that Blondie did not score, but he did put in that cross I believe that lead to the goal from Zukic. So the great comeback story continues and who knows what more he can do for this team. But Simeone needs that statue built because they lost three of their BEST players, but Argentine druglord has kept the same ethos and quality and even though the La Liga is going to be hard to be retained, they are a very real threat and can have another bite at that Champions League crown they were so close in claiming.


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