Saturday 7 February 2015

Look, Wenger TRIED SOMETHING NEW, but Crack Ko Kane is having THAT Season #Spurs 2-1 Arsenal


He did it. The hype, the talk, all that...and he has come and delivered the goals that gave Tottenham the one win that means the most to them.

But for those wanting to get a shovel, bend Wenger over thy lap and spank his least he tried something different, and it almost worked....almost...sort of....

Arsenal have been accused of never having a plan B. Wenger gives them ONE set of instructions, and they go and play that way and stick six fingers up at anything to do with strategic alteration.

So it was surprising and refreshing to see Arsenal almost imitate their City performance by sitting back, being defensively solid and counter-attacking Tottenham. And to begin with it almost worked.

A break lead by Welbeck (NO...just no, he is not a football player) that lead to Giroud intentionally or not, setting up the Zillage for a very good volley into the roof of the net, had Arsenal looking good. And after that, the plan looked to be to defend the young and inexperienced Spurs team, and see out a 1-0 or maybe get a late goal when the Spurs got desperate.

The tactic makes sense, but Arsenal don't have the experience or the players to really play this tactic...but you can't hate Wenger for at least trying something new...

I just think that Wenger and perhaps myself underestimated the belief that this Spurs team has. I did comment on it in my video, but as the match went on, I just did not see Dembele or Lamela having the moves to open up an Arsenal that were sitting very deep and looking to take home that 1-0 cheddar.

But every team needs a hero, and the point of a hero is not to score, but SCORE WHEN IT MATTERS.

And he may be a flash in the pan having an anomaly of a season, but Crack Ko Kane delivered fully in this match. With the first goal being the striker's anticipation to be in the right place at the right time and the other, from a nice Bentaleb cross, a perfect header that would have beaten MOST goalkeepers in the world. Just a sweet ass connection. Simple as.

Arsenal have a player like that, but the Chilean had to have his rest and perhaps that is what they were missing. That one player who could carry the ball and score a goal out of nothing. Because the Chez could have easily scored a late goal to save a point but Wenger had to let him relax and it was Kane who showed why he is THAT player....for this season at least.

I think Arsenal fans have to relax before insulting Wenger for THIS match. The insults should be bigger but not for this performance. Perhaps if they had played like old Arsenal and been more open they may have won, or one the other hand they would have probably lost by more. Because one must give credit to what Pocchettino is doing with Tottenham and how he is making these cats play.

There are no superstars on this team, but what they have is a very positive way in playing, where everyone is pulling in the same direction and they play good attacking football. This was their day, and Arsenal have to just contend with the fact that they lost a match they could have squeezed through.

Spurs want to make this top four race interesting and it should be, I hope, a great final day finish to see who ends up above the other.



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