Thursday 28 January 2016

Morata is not the right fit for Arsenal

I would love someone to tell me why on the green Earth that we live on, is Wenger going for Morata? What made him think this is the kind of player that is right for Arsenal? I can understand Aubameyang, but Morata is at the other end of the spectrum.

I can get where Wenger is coming from. He wants goals, there's too much pressure on Giroud to deliver that and there is a title within reach. Morata had a really good season for Juventus last year and hit a brick wall with the goals this season, but found his feet against Inter last night. So the man knows how to score. That's all well and good, but what is more important is getting the right player that fits your system.

Arsenal are a team that play on the counter, at speed, and like to move the ball around. The biggest criticism of Giroud is that he's not mobile enough, which means he can't play with the ball at his feet when it's given to him. That has lead to attacks being broken down when he's lost the ball. What has kept him in the team is his link-up play, and the goals he's scored. Without that, he'd have been shipped off.

If you now bring in Morata, who is more of a pure finisher than a player who can dribble, run with the ball or even be effective in a counter, it doesn't help Arsenal. I don't see him working well with Walcott, Campbell or Sanchez. These are players who do things quickly which is at odds with the more measured way in which Juventus operate.

Maybe Ozil can form an understanding with him. I'd say Morata has sharper instincts and is quicker than Giroud, which means he could make use of the through balls that the Zillage plays. That's not a guarantee, and it's too much of a risk hoping that will occur.

Wrong move to make, Arsene.

Source: Bleacher Report

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