Tuesday 29 March 2016

Lionel Richie Messi in the Premiership or Serie A? Errr..Doubt it

It's the question that people keep on asking, and after Messi's recent comments about showing a liking to English and Italian football; people are hoping we may get the answer we want.

How well would Messi fare in the Premiership and Serie A?

Could Messi cope with the physicality and speed of the Premiership were the games are lightning quick and the atmosphere is always vibrant?

Would Lionel be able to unlock the tight defenses of the Serie A and cope with a slower and more tactical game where there is less space?

It's something that I would love to see. Having Messi take that winter trip in January to a rainy and windy Stoke and see whether he'd be able to work his magic. Also, just playing in a different system with different players and see how well he can adjust his game and perhaps even evolve it based on being in a new environment and sets of tactics.

The truth is I highly doubt it will happen. Messi is not leaving Barcelona anytime soon and he's most likely not leaving for another team in Europe. There is only one place he is going after he's done with Barcelona and that is to Argentina and Newell's Old Boys which is where it all started for him. He has given Barcelona so many years and has grown with the club that moving now or in the next few years is not a realistic notion.

Whether there is an asterisk to his name by not playing for a different team or seeing how well he can do in a different league is another discussion. I'll get heat for saying he ought to play in different systems to challenge himself but again, that's an argument for another day. With regards to this story, I do not see him leaving for another European club.

The chances are slim to zilch. HH

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