Monday 7 March 2016

Roma, Save Everyone the Trouble and Forfeit the Real Madrid Game

Some don't seem to agree with my forfeit rule. They say it's unsportsmanlike, and teams ought to go ahead and play a match even if the tie may be over. Well i do commend people for promoting the spirit of sport, I think people forget how valuable time is. We're not immortal and we can't live for thousands of years. So because how precious the sands of time are, we can't afford to waste it with things like Roma rolling out and playing the second leg against Real Madrid.

I can hear the rumblings of those saying Roma have a good chance and it's insulting for me to say that they don't stand a chance. But let's please try and realistic and not foolish. Roma do not have the players to first of all outscore Real Madrid in a match. That's the first thing. The second thing is they are down two away goals, and have to go to the Bernabeu to try and cut that deficit. So what makes anyone really think that they will be able to achieve this feat?

The answer is a big fat no that they can be successful. It's not going to happen, impossible and just no. So Spalletti can talk about wanting his players to work a miracle, and they've had an amazing resurgence in Serie A, but this is a whole other ball game. It's a just a contest that is not in their favour, and instead of wasting everyone's time...they should forego this match, and just focus on securing a top three position and rebuild for next season by acquiring the players that they need to do so.


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